Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Living with Braces in Towson

One of the most common orthodontic procedures undertaken by people today is to get braces. In Timonium, there are a host of people who have either gotten braces or are currently living with them. While it’s quite simple to go over the basics of getting braces and caring for your teeth with your orthodontist, it is also important to understand how having braces can ultimately impact your life. Having braces isn’t just about the act of placing them on your teeth. There are various lifestyle changes that need to made in order to care for them correctly and ensure their effectiveness. Some of these are:

You will have to make changes in your diet

As braces are a delicate device, there are certain dietary changes that need to be made to avoid damaging them. When we speak with people getting braces in Towson, we often tell them the following:
1. During the first two days of having braces, it is always a best practice to have soft foods. This will allow your braces to settle in without any disruptions.
2. You must avoid chewy, sticky, hard, and crunchy foods as they can all damage your braces due to their texture.
3. Avoid biting your nails or pens.

There will always be slight soreness

There will be a slight amount of soreness in your mouth from time to time. This is because the braces are working to align your teeth, which means that they are being pulled or pushed in different directions. Don’t worry as you will get used to it very quickly. When getting braces in Timonium, always ask about the kinds of pain killers you can have, if required.
As you can see, there are certain changes that will come into your life once you get braces in Towson. It is important to consider them while going about your day to day routine.